Pick up rec centre guide from rec centre, find swimming classes for boys.
Get Sam to practice violin that he has barely looked at all summer.
Register for course at mac. I have narrowed it down to Reproduction or Slavery.
Get haircuts for boys (DONE! did it last night!)
Make dentist appointments for everyone, after profusely apologizing to Dental centre for missing all our appointments six months ago. Oops.
Book a massage for myself. (I have been meaning to do this since December '03 but whatever)
Get a haircut.
Clean Sam's room with him, get it organized for school starting.
Put clothes away that are still in baskets from BEFORE WE WENT AWAY.
What other school supplies does Sam need?
Buy 1. underwear for middle kid, 2. socks for biggest kid, 3. diapers for littlest hobo.
Pay bills that were supposed to be paid BEFORE we went away.
Take off major chipped toenail polish. Dirtbag.
Clean dining room floor.
For that matter, clean kitchen floor too.
Get life together.
Stop bothering that stubborn pimple on my chin.
Do some sit ups. Ha.
Get a new pair of jeans. Ha.
Sew my broken sandals back together so I can stop walking like Terry Fox.
Stop drinking so much Diet Coke.
Lay off the sugar.
Eat some fruit and yogurt for breakfast instead of bagel with cream cheese and pear jam. Too late.
Visit my sister Jen.
Call my ma who is still at the cottage and tell her to find my 30 dollar nail stuff that I left there.
Call Karate place and register boys.
Completely overhaul kids dressers to get rid of stuff that doesnt fit and make room for the piles of clothes that are on top of dressers that they pull off every damn day and scatter about the house.
Have a nap. Ha.
Start Christmas shopping. Yeah, right. I still havent taken down half my Christmas decs from last year.
That is all. Mommy must go feed the hungry.
Have a good Tuesday, all.