Wednesday, August 24, 2005

I'll bet she has a temper

What's with people and red hair? Pretty much every time I go somewhere with Lucy some busybody/noseyparker/loud talker type has to stop, look at her, and say, "WHOA LOOK at that RED HAIR! SHE MUST HAVE A TEMPER!"

It's very irritating. And I have to say that it is always someone older than me, from a generation that was sure of three things,

1. Saturday night is bath night.
2. A Hot Hamburger Sandwich with gravy and peas is gourmet cooking.
3. People with red hair have a bad temper.

Get over it, people. Red hair don't mean el dialbo. It is just hair. Just like, say, your big hook nose doesn't neccessarily mean you are a WITCH. Or your tight short perm doesn't have to make you part poodledog.

Honestly, how does THIS make someone think of a bad disposition?

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At 9:19 AM, Blogger harvestfound said...

speaking from my own red-headed experience -people either love the red hair or hate it. very little neutrality.
i have heard in my lifetime:
-of course, bad temper!
-bad luck to have red hair, from the italians at cathedral
-when i was 16 a guy at a party talking about how he "hated" red-heads cause they were "freaky looking"
-oh, i didn't KNOW you had red-hair, i thought you were blond...
-wild, bad, angry, trampy,witch, weird, cabbage-head...i could go on...
I agree - lucy has such beautiful hair - how anyone could look at that little face and see a temper...

At 9:20 AM, Blogger harvestfound said...

hah, saturday night is bath night!

At 9:38 AM, Blogger kalki said...

See, this is just another example of people imposing their own (wrong) perceptions on others. Not right, I say! Not right at all.

You should teach Lucy to kick people when they say that. Since they won't change their opinion anyway, you might as well have fun with it.... ;)

At 11:24 AM, Blogger Leska McCall said...

LOVE Kalki's comment about the kicking! Yes, as a redhead myself I've gotten my share of those lovely generalizations. The only one I've heard that really is true is the one about "redhead's are bleeders" that I was told just before I gave birth to my first child - yeah, thanks, one more thing to worry about. And it was true in the context of childbirth for me.

At 12:01 PM, Blogger Katy Barzedor said...

Well, after the dye job, my hair is slightly reddish.

Should I now have the urge to start bar fights?

At 12:45 PM, Blogger Me said...

My best friend has red hair and she just dispises people who say to her "you must have a temper"....drives her crazy. But she's the most mild-mannered person I know. So that definetely doesn't hold true!

At 1:16 PM, Blogger Milliner's Dream, a woman of many "hats"... said...

Two of BEST friends :) when I was a wee girl had red hair JUST like that...and I WANTED IT! I was just blonde. Plain old 'dishwater' blonde. What does that mean?!


At 3:34 PM, Blogger c said...

I've always hated the "red-headed step child" saying. My brother (half) is my mother's step-child and he's got red hair and she didn't hate him.

At 12:41 AM, Blogger Bente said...

People are just silly. Like the color of her hair could really determine her temperment. Craziness, I say!

I don't know how people can look at Lucy and say anything to you besides how completely gorgeous she is.

At 8:54 AM, Blogger Cat said...

What? You mean she isn't Satan Incarnate, with the red hair and all? MY best friend has red hair. SHe hates the "like a red-headed step-child" expression, too.

Oh, and once? At a party? A guy asked her, "Do the curtains match the drapes?" The NERVE! But my red-haired bff actually DOES have quite the temper. Let's just say that boy's future reproductive abilities may have been impaired...

At 8:56 AM, Blogger lawbrat said...

People are sometimes so ignorate you just stare at them in disbelief! Anyone that says that fits ignorate. I dont know if I spelled that right, so just go with it. :-P

She has beautiful hair, sweet angelic face, and curls to die for.
I like what Kalki said. Kick them!

At 9:52 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

But what gorgeous color! I would pay good money for hair like little Lucy's.

At 10:26 PM, Blogger Annejelynn said...

her hair is gorgeous

I love red hair - it is by no means a coinky-dink that I have dated SEVERAL red heads - um, let's least 8 red headed fellas? see!


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