Forgot this.
I tried the treadmill. Jay supervised me and I hopped up there and gave it a little whirl. Cept I got in trouble because I was eating a Dorito when I got on, and a little crumb fell down and rolled along with the rolly thingy and disappeared under the treadmill. Oops. Jay said,
"Aim! Who knows where that crumb is going to end up! No eating on the treadmill!"
Sheesh. What was I supposed to do, put the Dorito in my pocket while I tried the thing?
Dammit, mrtl, you beat me to the punchline!
Yeah... now I got nothing. Well, except for HEE!
I can't ever figure those things out. Maybe if I'd just set down my beer and tinker with it.
See now I thought the drink holder was for a glass of's NOT?!?!
This is awesome.
Hehe...yeah where ARE you supposed to put the beer?
Hey, if they're gonna make a machine that's Dorito-incompatible, shouldn't it have a sign to that effect?
I think the Dorito wanted to exercise too...
Food these days!!?!
Fun stuff...hope it "works out" for you (and not the dorito!)
hahaha doritos and exercise--i like your style!
Hubs sounds like a bizzkill.
He probably told you no drinking while you're on there either lest the beer spill and get sticky on the tread thingie.
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