7mm, Comfort Fit 10K
Last month I lost my wedding band. It has always been a little big on me and me being me I just never went and made it right for my finger. So for nine winters every time my hands got cold I would make fists to keep it on and it worked up till this winter. I was Christmas shopping, gloves on and gloves off, carrying bags, etc. And I went to the post office and took my gloves off and it was gone.
Served me right. Totally.
So I went to get a new one but my finger is size 5 and they didn't have any at the mall I was working at. So my MIL lent me her mothers wedding band that she got when she was 17 in 1939 and it fit but I couldnt live with myself if I lost it, and I am a, well, a loser. Of things.
So today I went to a jewelry store that was going out of business and got the wedding band I always wanted anyway, thick and solid and snuggly size 5. And I'm lovin it.
It's kinda neat that I got this now, because this month, nay, this week, marks the fact that Jay and I have been together for exactly half our lives. We met in our eighteenth year (1988) and eighteen years later is now. EIGHTEEN YEARS. Shaz-AM!
And it has been eighteen years of ups and downs and crazys and calms and a million other things. And as 'we' get older, well, I would have to say, it has become a sort of 'comfort fit'.
And it's good.