Wednesday, August 30, 2006

If You Could Give A Kid A Ticket

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Monty would be getting one for purposefully and quite carefully taking a pair of blue handed scissors and chopping off half his sister's ponytail while she sat coloring in her pony book.

There would be an extra fee added for bad timing. Because his sister is going to be a FLOWER GIRL in a WEDDING in one month. And now we will have even less hair to work with than we originally had.

What a kid.


Friday, August 18, 2006

The Vamps

I got a little 2 cd set yesterday at a thrift store. It's called "The Vamps" and I am loving it. It has all these quirky songs done by Judy Garland, Peggy Lee, Marlene Deitrich, Lena Horne, and the like. It is darling and charming and bee-boppy and I like to pull up at stop lights and roll down the windows and have Marlene belting out, "You GO to my HEEEAAD, Like the Bubbles in a GLASS of CHAMPAGNE".

Our trip was awesome. Wow, setting up a trailer with no kids there is like, easy. And cooking is very easy, when your husband does it all, eggs in the mornin and barbecue at night, even the dishes after, he is a lovely tidy thing and I think I will keep him. We loved the little town near the conservation area! It looked like this when you crossed the bridge to get in.
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I know. Swan!
And the park was really nice. Really nice! And we went tubing. But it was a bit rough and I feared for me life just a bit and once down the gorge was quite enough, thank you very mucha.
I took this pic at the Quarry, it was just neat to see this group of kids on the rocks.
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And now I must go. Some children are NOT settling to bed so I need to go and pull a heavy.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I'll Believe It When I See It

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amy and jay (and Sam) wedding picture, August 1996. And yes, that is one of the napkins from our wedding, I have saved a pile of them.

Very busy household this morning. It is Jay and I's tenth wedding anniversary this month, and we are going away today FOR THREE WHOLE NIGHTS WITHOUT KIDS I CAN'T BREATHE WITH THE EXCITEMENT AND TERROR THAT IT MAY NOT HAPPEN because one of the kids will come down with typhoid fever or one of the babysitters wins the lottery and have to take a trip straight away to decide what to do with the money, and how can you ask them to still take your kid when they have all those decisions to make?

This is unprecedented for us. Three nights! We have done one night away several times, two nights once maybe six years ago. We are going camping with the trailer to Elora Gorge, supposed to be a real nice place north of here.

Kids are doing this

SAM - drop off at SIL's, my dad picks him up at 630 tonight takes him to soccer drops him back off there. Friday my dad goes back and gets him and keeps him for a night.

MONTY - bringing him with us as far as Waterloo, ON, where he will be dropped off at my sister's for two nights. Then on fri my mom will go pick him up and keep him for a night with sam.

LUCY - staying with my MIL (who lives with us, BTW) for two nights, Friday my cousin is coming to pick her up and keep her for the night.

Whew! See what I mean, I will believe it when I see it. But don't cry for me Argentina because we are going to have FUN. I bought COLOSSAL shrimp (17 dollars a pound) for the barbie. I bought some really pretty bottles of wine. We are going 'tubing'! Ha! And we are bringing our bikes! And I have two lovely novels tucked in my bag!

So Adios! Kiss today goodbye and point me t'wards tomorrow! Mmmm Hmmm!

Take care eh.


Sunday, August 06, 2006

Send one up for Susie

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One of my blog-friends and an all around general lovely person by the name of Susie needs some serious good vibes and prayers sent her way. She's got some seriously scary symptoms, is potentially facing a totally crappy diagnosis, and if you would, could you stop by her blog and wish her well? Tell her I sent you, she won't mind at all.

Thanks, my ducklings. Happy sunday to you.
