Little hitch with blogger! My blog up and disappeared itself for a bit there.
Luckily, I was able to figure it out. Because it was easy to fix. Not because I have any great knowledge or anything.
Is it bloody November 30 already? Aye Yai Yai.
I don't even have anything interesting to write!
Well there are some things. But I can't say much about them yet.
And no, I'm not pregnant. In case that was one of the things you were thinking of.
Promise to put up a lovely long post soon. With pictures. Hey! I get my family portraits back from Sears on Monday! That was FUN. Trying to get three kids to be normal for a picture. While Monty was falling off the sled and laughing like a hyena, while Lucy was being shy and pulling up her corduroy skirt every two minutes. While Sam was lunging from side to side in some weird way.
We shall see. I know some of them turned out. I didn't pay ninety bucks for crap.
Hope everyone has a great thursday November 30th! NOVEMBER 30th!