Thursday, May 19, 2005

Today's SPD is supposed to have another person in it, so

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Me and Sam, on his 8th birthday. This is a good one for me to get out because it is important to remember that he is my sweet sweet first born boy under all that LIP. He really is great. Funny, and awesome with Monty and Lucy most of the time. He plays violin and piano. He is going for his purple belt in karate on Monday. He looks like me. He has compassion. He is a libra and they are almost always the nicest of people.

He loves science facts, chinese writing, and drawing. He is going into GRADE FIVE next year. He has these long eyelashes. He is quick to laugh.

Now I am off to pick up the yard. Had some kids over this morning. I want to be more of an outside person. I would much rather be inside at any given time. My favourite kinds of gardens/yards are the ones that are all enclosed, or that look like rooms. I loved The Secret Garden as a kid. With it's stone walls and vines overhead.

I will be posting some short videos later. Once Mr. Technology Left Brain gets home to show me some stuff.



At 2:28 PM, Blogger Tanya said...

Hey Aim, I posted a picture of you and sam on my blog that I took awhile back I thought it was so nice and really shows how cuddly close he can be!!

At 8:15 PM, Blogger Annejelynn said...

very sweet

At 11:18 PM, Blogger Strizz said...

He is so sweet! If hes into older women, I have a daughter :0P

At 3:44 AM, Blogger Random and Odd said...

How adorable!


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