It's Not Just Me
My slavery course prof really does take the cake. Not only do our essays have to be in the Chicago style of citation, which I have never even heard of, but our book reviews must include:
a statement of the book's purpose
a synopsis of the book's content
a detailed analysis of the book's arguments
my evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses
some discussion of the book's sources
my overall judgement of the book's merits, demerits,
and it's contribution to scholarship.
Among a few other things. AND I AM ON PAGE 82 and THE BOOK IS 360 pages LONG.
Oh yeah, life on the edge is sah-weet.
Also, our class begins at 7pm. He says he will give us a TEN minute grace period to hand our papers in to his desk. Any paper that reaches his desk at or after 7:10 will be considered a DAY LATE.
So, like I said, it's not just me. Wah Wah Wah.
And it ain't like I'm gettin any work done during the day, eh? So I shall be burning the midnight oil. Pass the Jolt Cola.
beat out by a spammer just to say "huh?"
WTF is all that sh*t? where does this prof come from? Let me guess the deep south?
OMG now I really do feel bad for encouraging this path!!
Good luck and the offer stands anything I can do??? proof read, edit, babysit, send Trace to clean??
try sugar free "Rock Star"
Can I just say that this is STRESSING ME OUT?! I'm going to start having those dreams again, the ones where I'm back in college and taking a final exam for a class I never went to and I'm NAKED.
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