Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Chew the Fat Tuesday

See, yesterday was Thanksgiving here, so it feels so much like Monday to me I can't even stand it. And I have night class tonight. Which isn't working out that great. SO much READING! And while some of the reading isn't too bad, THERE IS TOO MUCH OF IT. We have six books for this one course. SIX. Can I bother you with a small sample from a book of articles that we are responsible for reading each week?

"Building upon a persistent religious tradition hostile to slavery and buttressed by republican ideology, during the Revolutionary War years all of the Northern states but New York and New Jersey took steps to eradicate slavery: by judicial, legislative, or constitutional action in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, by a process of gradual abolition in Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Connecticut."

Wh-aa-T? How many add-ons can you put on a sentence? I think this authour needs to invest in some periods. And who on earth says 'buttresses' anymore? And how on earth am I going to get a decent mark in this course when there are articles like this that take me two hours to read and after I am done I am like, 'hmm. what was that about again?'

Next week I have a 6-8 page book report due. On a book that I have trudged my way through one third of so far.

Why oh why oh why oh why didn't I just take that nice little Music in Film course?

Because I am a dork. That's why.

So I am off to read read read. Any distractions welcome. I will even read all the spam comments. I won't be panicking until say, Sunday night of next week. Then there will be The Amy Show. Where I run pell mell around the house upsetting everyone because I have to squeeze hours and hours of work through the night to get the essay done. It's fun. I should charge admission.



At 3:54 PM, Blogger Christy said...

"Why oh why oh why oh why didn't I just take that nice little Music in Film course?"

Well, *I* told ya' so! :D

At 5:29 PM, Blogger Annejelynn said...

if it makes you feel any better, I have a 5-pager due tomorrow night (haven't started it) and a 3-page max memo to write on a 39 page document due Thurs (haven't started that either), and another 5 pager due on Friday (no where near started).


At 7:54 PM, Blogger kalki said...

I am getting hyperventilative just reading this. The STRESS. Ugh.

(ps - Happy Thanksgiving!)

At 9:41 PM, Blogger Mama Duck said...

You mean people read things other than just blogs?


Must look into literature...

At 10:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm feeling like I contributed to your unhappiness! I'm positive that I suggested that this course would be soooo interesting! It should have been!
Can I read something for you? Can I come take care of that cute little RedHead for you? Want me to send Trace over to clean your house?
ARGHHHH, the guilt!
I'm sorry :0(


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