Monday, June 13, 2005

Enjoying my new camera very much....

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Sam looking quite dignified performing an impromptu outdoor concert for my mom and dad.

This was Friday in my backyarday. I was babysitting little Eleni and Gabriel. Made a sheet tent for the kids to play under because the sun was evil that day.

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Friday was also Stuff Portrait day. But as I wrote below, I was too bloody hot to do anything, let alone stuff portraits. But this is something I want less of. It's clutter. It's my fridge.

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Now. That said, I love the picture of the beach that Sam did on there, and beside it you can see that one day he and monty decided to start a cleaning business and used Word to make a little sign. I don't want less of this stuff. But what's with the cookbooks, the sno-cone box? The Ziploc container, the papers sticking out? Blech. Somebody come over and save me from myself. Please.

I am happy with how this picture turned out.

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Not so happy when I was handed this flower by Monty. Not that I don't love getting flowers from little hands. But this was a Gerbera daisy that I bought at Home Depot and had planted in a pot. And then it promptly died. And I was sad. And then, out of the death stalks, this gorgeous thing comes up and says hi. So I was a little annoyed when Monty picked it and handed it to me. Don't worry. I didn't smack him or anything. I just said, "Oh Monty, that flower was planted, it's not for picking, buddy." And I put it in this little creamer. And I took a picture of it so I would remember how it bloomed in spite of the grim situation it was in. And then he picked it up and said, "This flowers gonna live, mommy."

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This is what he's going to look like when he brings flowers to his wife as an apology for something. And damn it, it'll work like a charm.



At 11:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pictures, especially the daisy one!

At 12:07 AM, Blogger Katie said...

Monty is absolutely adorable! I can tell how you can't resist that cute little face!!! And don't feel bad about the clutter - refrigerators are made for that sort of thing. At least I hope so, because mine doesn't look any better!

At 1:02 AM, Blogger Bente said...

Nice shots. How cute is Monty with the flower?

At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pics. What a sweet little boy. My Hunter brought me flowers when he was about 3. There were no flowers in our yard. They were not wild, but beautiful prenials. He got them from the neighbors house. We talked about picking others flowers, and how much I loved that he thought of me, but maybe it would be nice to go give it to Aunt Shirly and apologize. (she's close enough to the family that shes an adopted aunt) She just laughed, gave him a hug and said it was beautiful.

At 11:04 AM, Blogger Spurious Nurse said...

Cool shots! What a sweet kid, you must be a rockin' Mama.

At 10:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool pictures! I am tempted to buy me a camera like that. Only, do you need skill to get those kinda results?

At 5:32 PM, Blogger harvestfound said...

love the picture that sam painted too - very vincent. but whole in the halibut is the character next too it?

At 5:33 PM, Blogger harvestfound said...

i mean who in the halibut...


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