Blogger in Absentia returning to her post.
There is a reason why I did no blog since wednesday last. My computer is in my room. And my room, well, the whole upstairs, has been too hot to breathe in, never mind come up with something to write. Seriously, I would get on the computer, go visit a couple of my peeps blogs, and then get hot. Then I would leave.
But NOW. My hubba installed a window air conditioner in our room! And I am cool likea cucumbah. It is a marvellous, marvellous thing.
This weekend my gratitude was multitudinous for that man. He is technical and perfectionistic, yes. He is a WORKER. He spent most of Saturday installing a window unit in our dining room, and most of yest on the bedroom one. And let me tell you, them things is installed REAL GOOD.
He is the kind of guy who measures nine times, fits bits of wood in the windowsill like they have always been there. Stands and stares at the project for long minutes, tilts his head and gets a better idea. If he makes a mistake, he takes it all apart and redoes it. I can barely stand it. He says, "That piece of wood is not catching the edge very well." I am like, "Gah. It'll be fine. Just leave it." He looks at me.
"I am only doing this once, Aim. So I am going to do it right."
Ah, another life metaphor smacks me upside the head. This is why we are a good match, he and I. Because if we were both like him, we would drive each other crazy, measuring everything, second guessing, third guessing, redoing, perfectionisticking. If we were both like me, um, our house would be like an old movie set. You look from the front and all is well. Then you go around the side and there is nothing there but a table and a chair and an extra or two. The rest fell apart.
When it comes to jobs around the house, I am apart. He is together. I am thumbtacks and duct tape. He is hammers and nails and nuts and bolts.
Oh. One more. I am miss eyeball. He is mr measuring tape.
This weekend. I fell in lurve all over again.
Amy, that sounds soooo much like Harold and I. He is the perfectionist and takes pride and the time in doing everything right, whereas I am like yup that looks great even when he doesn't. Which is why we too get along so well. Everyone told us how stressful building a house would be. Not for us as we are both so easy going and I trusted Harold to do what needed to be done and I knew he would do it with care.
First I freak because you are me and Jay is my Pete.
Then I come to comment and there's a Candace, spelled the right way and everything. What are the odds of two Candace's (spelled the right way) commenting one after the other on any given blog on any given day?
(and yes, Candace is my *real* name)
Wow. It's crazy how we find the one who both complements our personality(s) and drives us freaking INSANE!
Cute love story, that was. Well said.
I'm loving the life metaphors. And this post.
I love the movie set analogy. I feel a bit like that sometimes.
Complementing each others strengths and weaknesses....perfect. You two rock.
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