Wednesday, May 25, 2005

He was acting pretty silly whilst I was trying to put stuff away.
But honest to Pete, how do you look at this face, with this hat on, and get MAD?

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We are so outta here after school. Jay is golfing tonight, which is fun for him, not so fun for me. The five hours from four till nine is like a month of Sundays, which leaves me on the couch, with a glass of DC half empty at my side.

Watched the finale of 24. It was decent. They found the missile and destroyed it WAY TOO QUICKLY though. Glad that Tony and Michelle got back together. Not sure what is going to happen next season though. Maybe Jack, Tony, Michelle, and Palmer start a renegade secret service spy agency, where they work behind the scenes to deflect corruption within the White House and keep the swarthy terrorists at bay. Maybe they will even let Audrey the Egghead in, because she can get them inside information.

Alright, guess whose rambunctious boys are home from school? MINE. And angel baby Lucy is up from her nap, making her little sounds, patiently waiting for someone to come and get her.

Advance thanks to Burger King for dinner tonight.



At 6:19 PM, Blogger Christy said...

"The five hours from four till nine is like a month of Sundays, which leaves me on the couch, with a glass of DC half empty at my side. "

1 week out of 4, Colin works 4 pm to 12:30 midnight. Doing bedtime by myself is worse than a root canal. I feel your pain, sister. I'm totally stocked up on Delissio pizzas and cookies to bribe them into submission. Yeah right.

And you should tell Jay when I tell Colin - for every night I'm left in the lurch, I get on my own when his shift changes. He';ll get his come-uppance for having a job that interferes! LOL

At 6:21 PM, Blogger Christy said...

The child-induced stupor has begun...that should have read "You should tell Jay WHAT I tell Colin..."



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