Monday, December 06, 2004

Taking care of the Mommy.

Today I had the nicest two hours betwixt 1 and 3 pm. Boys were at school. Kind of dark and wintery outside. I put Lucy down for her nap. Then I made myself a can of Vegetable soup mixed with milk instead of water. Yum One. Then I made two pieces of toast slathered in Blue Bonnet marge. Yum Two. I put the soup plate and the toast on a big plate, like I was making lunch to carry upstairs for a kid home sick from school. But it was for ME.
Then I drew the curtains in the living room so it was nice and cosy dark (my dad would call it Inner Sanctum), I situated myself on the couch with a pillow and fleece blanket around my knees geriatric-wheelchair style, then pulled the coffee table up with my food on it. I turned on the tv and some movie was on called The Haunting of Seacliffe Inn.


I finished my snack, pushed the table out. Cleaned up nothing. Lay on the couch and watched my movie till 3pm, with a few cat naps in between.

Really, it was like an early Christmas prezzie to myself.



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