Friday, December 03, 2004

Christmas tree up. Baking Lemon Squares. Have crocheted two items for little prezzies. Listening to Neil Diamond's Christmas CD.

Ain't it a Wonderful Life.

My tree looks real good. I used all white mini lights that are multi-function so they twinkle (or so it looks like) in time to the Christmas tunes. It wasn't pretty getting things up and gorgeous. Jay was at night class so it was me and the three in the living room. Sam was a HUGE help, he got all the branches of the tree out and organized and opened for me. What a difference 8 to 9 makes in terms of reason and ability.

The other kids I had to rename Hindrance 1 and Hindrance 2. Monty basically ran from room to room decorating with all the things I needed right then and there. He stepped on lights and put most of the good ornaments carefully on his dresser and refused to let me near them. He was a little hopped up on hot chocolate. So for him the night was one to remember, a great time. Lady L herself kept busy putting things in her mouth and pulling stuff out of boxes. She looked like a little red haired Al Jolson by the end of the night, as most of the orns were wrapped in newspaper and she was very into handling said newspaper so the ink rubbed off on her face and hands. Mammy.

So after they were finalement dans their beds I was able to sit with Neil D. and enjoy the twinkling with a hot Choc and Baileys and it was a lovely half hour.



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