Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Another gorgeous day.

I am shaking off the cobwebs of sleep as I had to stay up way past way to finish Angels and Demons. I loved it, I think even more than DaVinci Code. Definitely recommended reading for anyone who likes a fast paced, intelligent ride to read.

I wish I had something to say about the hockey games. Seems like the cool thing to do. But Alas, I am completely ignorant. Jay doesn't really watch it either or I would have picked up some info by osmosis. Well, way to go teams anyways. Lame, I know. I was a cheerleader in high school and had to get kicked by my fellow cheerers on the bench whenever something good happened for any of our teams, because I would be sitting there with my eyes on the game but my mind was anywhere else. And I was usually trying to read a VC Andrews under my pom poms. That said, I loved Jen's post about the feelings you get from watching sports. So true! I do have a vhs set called 100 years of Olympic Glory and boy, there are some great moments on there. I even used clips from those videos in my Joy group, to try to get people to share their transcendent moments.

Not much going on around here today. Went to Costco yest and got the Pilates dvds but I cant do them because I have actual pilates class tonight, and that is just about enough exercise for one day, my friends. I think we'll just clean up around here and then maybe go for a walkeroo. Wait! That is exercise! Hmm. It's hard, you know, when you are just so motivated like me, to hold back. HAH. Hard to hold back from the clicker and the easter creme eggs more likely.

I guess I better geddoudahere, I am making chicken stock for soup tonight so I have to get a move on. Went to Mary Harvey's basket party thingy last night and they gave us a free little basket and mug worth like 60 bucks. I want to go look at my basket and try to figure out why the heck it is worth $45 US dollars. I may get into basket making myself if thats the deal.

okay big probs downstairs avec le monty


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