Man the weather outside is a bit delightful.
But soon I will be wanting les conditionne des airs. I have a couple of people coming to give me a quote this week. I dont care if we don't have all the money for it. We are getting it anyways. The bedrooms upstairs are insane in the hot weather. Nobody sleeps. All we do is sweat and whine. So.
Isn't it a riot though, that within two days of beautiful weather that has been so long getting here, I am going off about the heat? And isn't it a riot that no matter what, the weather is always a topic of conversation somewhere? Can we stop with the weather already? Can we move on?
I have a gig tonight at Knox church for their ladies spring dinner thingy. Totally going in cold, well hot, I guess. I just havent had any mind to prepare for it so I will have to rely on the memory bankses. It'll be fine.
Other than that I am really looking forward to afterschool because Sammy is grounded and what fun it will be to listent to the constant drone and heartache and the vale of tears as his friends go running by outside and he can't join them. He was told on Monday night big daddy lecture, not to go into the garage or bring his friends into the garage or remove things from the garage. Too much dangerous stuff in there until it gets cleaned out and every single time he goes in there he takes things out and does not return them or even shut the garage door after. So. He was told.
Tuesday afternoon comes by, so do all his buddies and I am out at my birthday pedicure and dr's appt and he totally takes advantage of Auntie Bon's not knowing about the whole garage thing and asks her if he can get his water gun out of the garage. What a bum. So in they all traipse and bring out a few things and generally have a rip roaring good time. Till Daddy gets home. Then the shite hits the fanola.
So he is grounded for two days. And really, it is just as much punishment for me, because I have to be the heavy. But I am still bigger than him. I can do it.
I haven't posted any pics in a while. Here is a picture of my pedicured foot in my new sandals.
And here is phase one of the Stag N Doe outfit. I got these at the Amity for six bucks!
I was going to post the picture of my newly waxed upper lip but that is a little over the top I guess. Well, I better go do some sort of cleaning or something. I am having a baby shower here in one week and um, people could get lost on the way to the bathroom among all the junk laying around.
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